

    发布时间:2023/11/26  浏览次数:628 次  来源:本站

    印度尼西亚共和国驻华大使馆经济参赞、印尼驻华使馆投资部主任Evita Sanda女士根塔拉研究院印尼投资部顾问Gandhi Priambodo先生等多人莅临北京中国氢能集团股份有限公司。

     Ms. Evita Sanda, Economic Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in China, director of the Investment Department of the Embassy of Indonesia in China, Mr. Gandhi Priambodo, advisor of the Investment Department of the GENTALA Institute in Indonesia, and others came to Beijing China Hydrogen Energy Group Co. , Ltd. .


    I Group Marketing Director Wang Yujie, group general manager Dai Jinjiang, group foreign trade manager Xu Xueao, group office director Cheng Yuanyuan, business manager Liu Jiaqi, Ma Ziyi accompanied research and cooperation. At the same time, the former national energy group Wang Xiang, Huang Lei, Wang Shuai and other participants in the talks.


    This time, the Indonesian Embassy in China was commissioned by the Minister of the Indonesian Government (Ministry of Investment and Ministry of Energy and Mining) to come to our company to discuss the cooperation of traditional energy and transformational development of new energy and hydrogen industry, etc.


    In the next step, the Minister of Energy and Mining of Indonesia and the Minister of Investment of Indonesia will further deepen the cooperation policy and related deployment on traditional energy and new energy hydrogen energy.


    生产氢能源设备,如:电解槽、氢气压缩机、燃料电池等相关产品。同时建设加氢站、太阳能光伏制氢、运输等。China Hydrogen Energy Group Co., Ltd. is a manufacturing service provider of hydrogen energy investment,development and total contract.

    Production of hydrogen energy equipment, such as electrolyzers, Hydrogen compressor, fuel cells and other related products. At the same time, the construction of hydrogen stations, photovoltaics hydrogen production, transport and so on.

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