

    信然螺杆真空泵出口美国【美利坚合众国(The United States of America)】
    发布时间:2022/12/21  浏览次数:960 次  来源:本站

    The Xinran screw vacuum pump is exported to the United States of America, with a voltage of 460V, a frequency of 60HZ, and an extreme vacuum of 0.3~0.6mba. It is packed and ready for shipment.

    信然螺杆真空泵出口美国【美利坚合众国(The United States of America)】,电压460V、频率60HZ、极限真空0.3~0.6mba,包装好已准备发货。

    Main composition: Xinran screw vacuum pump unit is mainly composed of main engine, motor, oil-gas separator, cooling fan assembly/cooling water system, unit base and other parts.

    主要组成:信然螺杆真空泵机组主要由主机、电动机、油气分离器、冷却风扇组件/ 冷却水路系统和机组底座等零部件组成。

    Working principle: screw vacuum pump unit provides good control keyboard and clear LCD. The signal is collected by the sensor and then input to the control panel, and then the CPU is controlled to process the status information to feedback and control the action of the vacuum pump. The customer can obtain the operating status information of the vacuum pump through the controller panel.


    Product parameters: Xinran screw vacuum pump unit is mainly composed of host, motor, oil-gas separator, cooling fan assembly/cooling water system, unit base and other parts.

    产品参数:信然螺杆真空泵机组主要由主机、电动机、油气分离器、冷却风扇组件/ 冷却水路系统和机组底座等零部件组成。

    When the unit starts, the rotor of the main engine rotates to draw in gas, and a large amount of lubricating oil is also drawn into the main engine and mixed with gas; Then the oil gas mixture leaves the main engine and enters the oil gas separator. The lubricating oil is separated from the gas, and the separated lubricating oil is sent to the oil cooler for cooling


    The gas is discharged from the oil-gas separator; The cooled lubricating oil flows into the oil filter and enters the main engine again. The rated vacuum is 20 in Hg(508 × 133 Pa)

    而气体则被排出油气分离器;经过冷却后的润滑油流入油过滤器,重新进入主机。以下以额定真空度为20 in.Hg(508×133 Pa)的真空机组为例

    Xinran screw vacuum pump [high vacuum, fast pumping speed, large flow, low noise, energy saving]


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